July 18, 2013
Quezon City, Philippines
I am Maeann Sampaguita (not my real name) from the Philippines. I am pro-choice and I am pro-abortion. I created this blog to share my experience with herbal abortion and hopefully my fellow Filipinas can share their experiences too. And yes,
aborting pregnancy with herbs worked for me. This is my way of giving back to the online community for helping me out during the course of this difficult experience. Without further ado here's my story in timeline form.
June 11 - Last Menstruation Period
July 11 - Expected Menstruation Day
- Missed Period
July 12 - Still no period, panic set in, menstruation period used to come like clockwork
Bought one stop pregnancy tool kit, tested positive. more panic.
Vitamin C, 500mg each , no bioflavonoids |
Searched the web for information on induced miscarriages
Learned about
VITAMIN C and parsley infusion combination
Bought Rhea Ascorbic Acid at Mercury Drugs and Started vitamin C right away
500 mg of Vitamin C every hour starting at 6 am
July 13 6 am to 7 pm - took one 500 mg vitamin c tablet every hour
7:00 pm - looked for parsley at Robinson's Supermarket to no avail so i went to Shopwise, bought 50 pesos worth of parsley, each bundle costs around 5 pesos each
8:00 pm - created the parsley infusion by pouring boiling water to 5 bundles of parsley
place in a 500 ml water container. Covered it and waited for 30 minutes
and drank a shotglass worth (about 5 to 7 tablespoon) of parsley infusion.
took vitamin c.
9:00 pm - 12 pm - combination of vitamin C and parsley infusion every hour
2:00 am- got up and took the combination, doubling the dosage then went back to bed
4:30 am - got up and took the combination, doubling the dosage then went back to bed

July 14- Still no period, established a routine that I religiously followed for the next days
7 tablespoon of parsley infusion and 1 500 mg Rhea Vitamin C tablet every hour until
12 am, waking up at 2 am and 4 pm , taking in double dosage of both vit c and
parsley infusion
July 15- Still no period, did the routine. No cramping, no side effects, no nausea which is quite odd considering that almost all
women sharing their herbal abortion experiences online had suffered from some form of side effects esp wit vitamin C, known to cause heat flashes when taken in large doses.
Added 'parsley inserts' to the routine - inserted parsley sprig into my vagina, pushing it
as far as it could in close proximity to the cervix (as per instruction of the online herbalist).
Not a very pleasant experience, to say the least but not necessarily painful either.
July 16 -
5:00 am
Still no period. Did the routine, nevertheless. Inserted a new sprig.
Getting a bit frustrated and depressed, with no signs of the combination working,
It was as if my body's not reacting to parsley and vitamin C. I search the internet more
and found out that majority of the herbal abortion success stories talked about using
parsley and vitamin C in combination with other herbs. Majority of the stories mentioned
Dong Quai and Blue Cohosh.
dong quai (Angelica Sinensis)
Dong Quai is more readily available than Blue Cohosh and according to what I
learned from the net, Dong Quai is relatively safer than Blue Cohosh.
7:00 pm - bought Dong Quai from the supermarket ( send an e-mail to so I can whisper to you where I bought it,
pro-lifers might single out this store and might lobby for the recall of this product. Curiously, Dong Quai is banned in some countries ).
I tried checking out Century Chinese Drugstore but they don't have a product
that explicitly put Dong Quai as an ingredient .
8:00 pm - took in four 250 mg Dong Quai capsules together with the vit c and parsley
- added to the routine 4 250 mg of DQ every 4 hours
9pm-12am - Vitamin C and Parsley combo, inserted a new sprig ,changing it every
5-8 hours
July 17 12:00 am - took in four 250 mg Dong Quai capsules together with the vit c and
parsley combo
2:00 am - vit c and parsley combo , 2 500mg vitamin c .
4:00 am - took in four 250 mg Dong Quai capsules together with the vit c and
parsley combo
6:00 am - faint dot of blood on my napkin, gave me hope, bolstered my spirit
- took out the parsley (both infusion and inserts) from the routine
- continued the vitamin c (1 500mg every hour)
8:00 - vitamin c and dong quai
9:00 -12 - 1 500mg vit C every hour
12:15 pm - When I was about to take in Don Quai capsules, I felt a sudden onslaught of
severe abdominal cramps just like in my first days of menstruation,
felt a heavy pour of blood.
ran to the bathroom and VIOLA!, blood on my napkin ,clotty and heavy.
It was a success.
July 18 12 am - created this blog
3:00 am - Did some proofreading and editing of this blog. My engrish is horrible.
5:30 am - Made efforts to share this experience by providing links to this blog in forums.
-Quite amused and baffled that someone is making money in some forum
out of selling information (thru text message) similar to this.
7:30 am - More cramps and bleeding. First time in my life that such discomforts made
me smile.
I thank Sister Zeus and Lost Clown for putting up such wonderful blogs. I am willing to entertain some questions especially from my fellow Filipinas undergoing the same ordeal . Please e-mail me (when I'm busy, you'll probably receive an auto reply but most of the info are covered in that auto e-mail)
I firmly believe that a woman must have control over her body. Self-righteous people don't have the right to judge women who opted and are contemplating abortion. Only those faced with the same situation, no matter how varied the reasons are, can truly understand the mind of the woman faced with this hard decision.
It is hard because it is not without risk, women's bodies are different. What might work for one, might not work for another. A failed or incomplete abortion may lead to complications for the mother and child. In the Philippines, this difficulty is further complicated by the fact that clinical abortions and abortifacient drugs are illegal.
When I decided to go the route of herbal abortion, I already made plans b and c in case herbal abortion fails. Plan B was to avail of bootlegged abortifacient drug like Cytotec (Misoprostol) and Mifepristone (also known as the abortion pill, RU 486, Mifegyn, Mifeprex). Plan C was to schedule an illegal clinical abortion referred by internet sources. Both alternatives scare the shit out me that was why i was hoping against hope that the herbally induced miscarriage would be a success which fortunately was the case. Yehey!
To my fellow Filipinas, if you are to decide, make it an informed decision and if you are considering herbally-induced miscarriage, you should decide and act fast because herbal abortions work just up to 3 weeks from date of missed period. Every hour counts. Personally, I would only recommend it for those missing their period not longer than 2 weeks.
Thanks to those who share their success stories.
From: M.L. <>
Date: Monday, February 1, 2021
Subject: It's a success.
To: Maeann Sampaguita
Hi sis,
I just wanted to let you know that the procedure I've done worked! Yes!! I have my period after 2weeks. No side effects at all. I managed to continue taking the dong quai and the Vit.C consistently for 2weeks and voila,I had my period. Thank you so much for the help of sharing your knowledge and knowing about that herbal thing. Hoping that many girls will help too.
Thanks a lot.
God Bless..

For your questions, send an e-mail to If I am busy or somewhere else with no (or poor) internet connection, you might receive an auto response but nevertheless, most of the usual stuff is covered by that auto e-mail. Please use gmail to email me, you may not receive the autoresponse if you are using other email service like yahoo, rocketmail, etc. If you dont have a gmail account , please create one, it's easy as ABC :)
For those wishing to drop a comment or feedback in the comment section below, feel free to do so. Autopublish has been disabled as of April 13, 2014. No comments with private information will be publish hereafter.
Best of Luck Sisters,
Maeann Sampaguita (´ε` )♡