Sunday, July 8, 2018


         I've been itching to do this for the longest time---  to make public this  e-mail message template  that I  am sending as "follow-up message" to all the sisters sending me their queries thru e-mail. This is in celebration of the 5th anniversary of this blog that had garnered hundreds of thousands of views (and counting! ..and hate mails too :) ) eversince.   I've set up the blog 5 years ago and many things have happened since then. Those experiences have somehow turned a wide-eyed  clueless and naive  young professional scouring online articles to induce her menstruation  into a decently-informed (if not well-informed) online pro-choice advocate. My sisters, I have concealed names and contact information to protect people who can truly help us. If you want to see the concealed information, email me at this address --->

        Below is the follow-up message that may more or less answer most of your questions.
This blog update is also my humble effort to reach out to all our sisters from all over the world who would wish to know the options available for them to truly take charge of their bodies. I for one had benefitted immensely from international online bloggers like
  " Lost Clown" and " Sister Zeus". It's about time for me to pay it forward.



      If you had sex 5 days ago, you can still use emergency contraception.

 If you are looking for a cheaper over-the-counter substitute for ECP's , check out this page

       The herbal method is effective 45-65% at best for pregnancies not longer than 2  weeks gestation or 4 weeks from LMP (first week of delayed period) . Past success with the herbs is not a guarantee that you will be successful with it the 2nd or 3rd time around. Take a PT (if you have not taken a PT yet) before you subject your body to this potentially stressful routine. The best test of pregnancy is an ultrasound ( It is still possible to be pregnant and  still get negative results on the onestep PT)

     Give it 6-8days. Do the routine religiously (for instructions, send an e-mail to . Don't skip or miss a step. Be positive but do have a Plan B.

     If you haven't received my first e-mail (auto response- dosage instructions), it means your e-mail service is blocking the autoresponder, the remedy to this is to create a gmail account then use your newly created gmail account to send a message to  so you can receive the auto-response.

     There  is a multitude of reasons why it may not work for you, most common of which are :

1.      Your body may have a high tolerance for the emmenagogue substance in the herbs,

2.      You started the routine a little too late. Ideal time to start it would be the first day of your delayed menstruation.

3.      You have not followed the routine to the letter. It is the combined effects of the herbs and supplement that make it effective. Leave out one part of the routine and the probability for failure increases.

4.     You have allergic or adverse reactions (vomiting, diarrhea, high fever)  to the herbs or supplement used in the routine.

5.      You may have a medical condition that  makes your body immune to the  emmenagogue substance in the herbs.

         When the herbs fail, your body may require a stronger type of drug to successfully induce a miscarriage. You must consider plan B already. My plan B then was medical abortion or the use of abortion pills. If you are not really 100% determined, pls don' do it. However,  if you really are hell-bent in getting rid of it, keep doing the herbal routine but consider plan B (medical abortion). DO NOT PROCEED with the herbal if you are not willing to follow it up with Plan B in case the herbal fails altogether.

          In case nothing happens on the 7th-8th week (from LMP), and should  you shift gears to PLAN B (not referring to "morning after pills" or ECP's  which are also known as "plan b"), you have to decide and act fast, abortion pills only work for pregnancies in the first trimester (3.months) and they work best for pregnancies around 6.5 - 9 weeks. On the 6- 7th week , no body parts (of the embryo)  are visible to the naked eye. Be discerning, sis.

Contact these guys from P—— [name and contact info of provider concealed]

           They have helped a lot of our sisters. P—— is a network of pro-choice health professionals who distribute genuine  abortion pills, plus they will guide and support you all throughout the process. They also help OFW's.

             I used to share the common fear of abortion pills before (even during the time of writing the blog ) but I learned a lot from the P—— guys having accompanied  some of my real life friends (being the reproductive health advocate that I am)  when they did their medical abortion procedure (they were too late for the herbs and they don't know my online persona). Contact them and be enlightened . I have seen their medicines and their superb technical support at work  They offer free consultation. It's okay if you decide not to continue with the abortion after the consultation, at least you know your options.

       Beware of scammers. Most of the medicines sold online are counterfeit, my friend learned it the hard way. P—— saved the day for her.

Best of luck, sis.

Keep me posted

Maeann Sampaguita


# DONG QUAI TABLET OR CAPSULE? - You can use tablet or capsule as long as they are from the dong quai root , not the other part (stem or leaves) of the dong quai plant.

# I don't sell dong quai/black cohosh/parsley/vitaminC or whatsoever, I just provided a link to the brand and seller  of the dong quai , vitamin C, etc  that worked for me and my friends ( and many of my blog readers) as a way of giving back but you can try other brands (at your own risk, of course).

# Many suppliers/sellers  of herbal products, medicines, abortion services (and even books!) flood my e-mail regularly, urging me to endorse their products, some even offering to pay me  but as a matter of policy,  I can only vouch for methods, products/brands, medicines and suppliers that I have a first-hand experience with or have witnessed personally. I have personally used ECP's (both branded morning after pill and the cheaper alternative Trust pill) and the Dongquai-VitC-parsley (infusion and pessary) combo. I also witnessed real-life friends use them with success. I haven't undergone medical abortion  but having personally accompanied a high-school friend and other real-life  friends later (they were too late for the herbal routine) when they did theirs, gave me reliable first-hand info on which suppliers are trustworthy or not. Scammers are all over the internet, you need both intuition and reliable info to sort things out. My friends learned it the hard way. Two of them needed to deal with unsatisfying results due to obviously fake medicines or the wrong combination of medicines. Project 486 saved the day for them. I learned a lot from that pro-choice group.  My 5-year  journey from a clueless young professional  trying to induce her menstruation to a decently-informed (if not well-informed) online pro-choice advocate is pretty much complete because of these experiences. This arsenal of first-hand information gave me both  confidence and a nagging sense of obligation  to discuss these options to women who stumbled upon my blog.

# Both the seller of dong quai I mentioned and P——  are legit, I've seen their products at work. Just ironic that both are not fans of the herbal routine that I dearly espouse  online. Heck! One is not even a fan of abortions and contraceptives in general.

Wise is one who learns from his/her own experience but wiser is the one who learns from the experience of others. Again, I do not force or compel anyone to subject themselves to these procedures, neither do I suggest even remotely that these are the only options you have. Keeping the baby is also an option and please do choose it if you have the slightest doubt or hesitance about abortion. The option for any kind of abortion is only for those who will do it no matter what. When I was contemplating abortion, I was so desperate and hell bent that I also accepted the possibility of dying in the process. It turns out, as I will discover later when I accompanied a real life friend, even the use of abortion pills, as long as they are not fake and done right, is perfectly safe.

# EAT? COFFEE? SMOKE? & DRINK?: You can eat  and have coffee while doing the herbal method but don't smoke or drink alcoholic beverages  while doing it.

# WORK. You can go to work while doing the herbal method.

# DOSAGE. for the info on the dosage, pls read my autorespond e-mail (send e-mail to,  use gmail account bec other email providers like yahoo block the auto-response e-mail filtering it as spam or trash)

# VITAMIN C ONLY? DONG QUAI ONLY? for 7 results, do not leave out any one part of the routine because it is the combination of the herbs and vitamin C that makes it work.

# SLEEP you have to have a steady supply of the emmenagogue substance in your bloodstream, set your alarm so you can get up at night and in the wee hours  of the morning. If it is not possible to wake up every hour,  wake up twice  or thrice and double the dosage to make up for  "missed" hrs due to sleep

# VITAMIN C.- Any brand without bioflavinoid on the label should be fine.  It  is almost impossible to overdose on Vitamin C, the human body is designed to excrete excess Vitamin C

# PARSLEY INSERT/PESSARY-  Remove the leaves and cut the hard lower part of the main stalk. Only the soft part of the stalk and "branches" should remain. Wash the pessary with wate then  insert the pessary in the deepest possible area of your vagina.  Don't worry about the parsley pessary getting stuck inside. It will eventually melt and disintegrate and will come out of the vagina on its own.The vagina has its own natural way of cleaning itself. Just be sure to wash the parsley thoroughly before inserting it.

#  SIDE EFFECTS - You may experience  hot flashes (even slight fever) , headaches and tummy aches.   If you get feverish and in extreme pain, stop the routine immediately and see a doctor.

#  BREASTFEEDING - Once you have taken the dong quai, stop breastfeeding and use

formula milk. Dong quai has blood-thinning properties and it could be

dangerous to your breastfed baby

# BLEEDING- If you had bleeding (with blood clots) at some point in the routine and the bleeding lasted for 2-5 days and you want to be sure that you were successful in inducing a miscarriage--- the best way to know is through an ultrasound. A couple of weeks after, even if you are successful with the herbal, you may still get a positive reading on
the home kit PT

#SPOTTING. It is not enough to have spotting or brownish/yellowish discharges. You need to have  blood clots and fleshy discharges.

 If you don't get a response from me  for your other questions,  it means they were already answered in my previous emails.  Please read my messages carefully, too busy at work right now and I just formulated a response that I think will answer all your queries. If you haven't made up your mind yet or as P—— puts it "If you are not 100% determined to terminate the pregnancy", and if you have not considered all risks involved, do not proceed with any type of abortion---herbal, massage, medical or surgical.

Be safe, my sisters.

I apologize for not being able to guide you one on one at the moment.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Ms.Maeann how can I contact this p__ for the abortion pills? I sent you pala an email message, im hoping you can help me. Thank you very much.

  3. Ms.Meann i already send email for you pls advice me. Thank you.

  4. sis saan po makakabili ng dong quai thanks.

  5. Replies
    1. Hi po ..ask ko lng po sna kng buntis ba aq, kse nag sex po kme ng jowa ko nung March 2 2020 3 days regla q nun Peru konting patak nlng po merun. Pero nag sex kme withdrawal nman ngaalangan bka kse nkargahan po aq,Peru knabukasn after lunch nag take aq ng lady pills. Sa tingin niyo po nd aq mbbuntis? Thank you po sna mttulungan nio po aq

  6. Maam help pleaase, san po ako makaka order ng pills? Diko alam kung paano ka contakin eih, kahit fb email mo nalang po dun nalang tayo mag chat miss maeann?

  7. madam, yun po bang Project 486 yung tinutukoy nyo na p_ ? Will they help me po kahit nasa ibang bansa ako? Mapapadala po ba nila ung abortion pills dito sa abroad. Pasensya na po kau, di ko po kasi mabuksan ung email ko at nahirapan ako gumawa ng bagong email dahil sa sitwasyon ko dito sa bansang kinalalagyan ko ngaun.

  8. Hello! already emailed P--------- but still no reply.

  9. Hello kaka email ko lang po ngayon. Please patulong po. Thank you

  10. Hi miss mean ... 5 days delayed i tried it... on first 4 hours i felt crams and spotting pa lng ... hopping n mag success


Thank you for your message. I will reply to them shortly. For faster response, email me at . Use gmail , pls create a gmail account if you dont have one, other email providers (like yahoo ) block my auto-response.